Exam 1¶
- Exam Date
THU 2021-09-23
- Format
Online; Requires Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam
- Availability
On THU 2021-09-23, Exam 1 will become available online on eLC at 9 AM; you should complete it before 5:30 PM on the same day.
- Length
The exam is designed to take 50 - 75 minutes or less; however, a 120 minute timer will be used to accommodate unexpected technical issues.
You must submit your exam before (not when) the timer countdown reaches 0.
- Respondus Lockdown Browser + Webcam
Exam 1 requires Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB), a university-recommended, custom web browser that locks down thetesting environment in eLC for security purposes. Exam 1 also utilizes Respondus Monitor, a feature of LBD that requires students to use a webcam and microphone. After the exam is complete, your instructor will be provided with a report generated by Respondus Monitor in effort to ensure adherence to Academic Honesty and to maintain exam integrity. LDB must be installed on the computer that you use to take Exam 1.
If needed, you may request to borrow a laptop (with webcam) online from the Miller Learning Center through the MLC Technology Lending Program. When making your request, be sure to let them know that you need it to work with Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
- Material Covered
Anything covered in readings, DDQs, and homework assignments through TUE 2021-09-21 is fair game for the exam.
The required readings for each module are listed on each module page. If a reading isn’t from one of the textbooks, then a direct link to the reading is provided using a UGA Library Link so that you can access it for free using your MyID.
- Format
The exam is expected to have 30 questions. Each question is multiple-select with \(n\) choices and between \(1\) and \(n-1\) correct answers \((2 \leq n)\). Partial credit can be earned.
- Cheat Sheet
You are are allowed to utilize one page (i.e., one side of one standard-sized piece of paper of 8.5 by 11 inches (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm)) of hand-written notes during the exam. You will be asked to show both sides of your cheat sheet during the exam.
Typing Accomodations
If you have a typing accommodation with the DRC, then your DRC coordinator should have information about what is acceptable.
- Day Of (THU 2021-09-23)
Here are some important details to note about the day of the exam:
Make sure you have your UGA ID (or state-issued ID card) for part of the Respondus setup.
There is no class meeting on the day of the exam.
There are no office hours on the day of the exam.
Piazza will be locked while the exam is available, not just when you take it.