DDQ TUE 2021-09-28

16. Dies Operis: Tertius

16.1. Agenda

  1. General Announcements

  2. Bookkeeping

  3. Discussion & Activity

Table 16.1 Current Assignments for Everyone





Term Project

Milestone 2: Definition & Related Work



16.2. Bookkeeping


See Piazza @57 to setup a Figma account if you have not done so already.


No office hours today. See Piazza @55 for more details.

16.3. Activity

16.3.1. Work Period

The remainder of the period will be used a project work period. Please take this time to meet with your Term Project group, see how everyone is doing, discuss any relevant changes to people’s schedules, and work on finishing Term Project: Milestone 2: Definition & Related Work.

  1. Meet with your Term Project group.

  2. Work on your project.

  3. After your meeting, individually report on your progress as described below in the “After Class” section.

16.3.2. After Class

  1. Before 11:55PM today, individually respond to the items below in a followup discussion to Piazza @56.

    1. What term project group are you in?

    2. Who attended your group meeting today?

    3. In your own words, provide a brief progress report for the current milestone that includes any challenges you or your group faced or face and how you have or will attempt to overcome them.

  2. Continue reading the Design module, and make sure you’re aware of current assignments and their due dates.