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Prepare for Exam 2 Quiz

Quiz Date

FRI 2023-04-21


This isn’t a real assignment, but you should still do it. The exams in this class require Respondus Lockdown Browser + Webcam. This quiz is provided to mimic exam conditions so that you can check your computer setup prior to taking Exam 2.


Exam 2 will only be available during certain hours on its scheduled date; however, the “Prepare for Exam 2 Quiz” available starting now. To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to complete the quiz before 11:55 PM on FRI 2023-04-21.


The quiz is designed to take 5–10 minutes or less; however, a 15 minute timer will be used to accommodate unexpected technical issues.


You must submit your exam before (not when) the timer countdown reaches 0.