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Milestone 1: Problem Proposal

Due Date

This assignment has two parts, each with their own due dates:

Milestone 1







1 - Proposal



11:55 PM


2 - Revision



11:55 PM



In this milestone, you will form groups, and identify a theme-relevant, computing-related task / problem that might be improved through changes to an interface.


It is too early to know what those changes will be just yet, which is why you will not be asked to commit to anything design-related for this milestone.


To participate in the term project, completion of Milestone 0: IRB Training is required.


  1. Respond to each of the following in a followup discussion to Piazza @21 (one per group).

    Prompt 1: Group Name and Members

    Please provide the following information about your group:

    1. Group / Team Name.

    2. Group Member Names: Full names and UGA email addresses; you may have up to 4 people per team.

    3. Weekly Meeting Times: Go ahead and schedule a weekly meeting time that works for everyone; include the days/times here.

    Prompt 2: Task / Problem Identification

    In 1,000 words or less, briefly describe your identified problem / task.

    • You do not need to go into full detail here – a separate assignment will ask you to analyze the nuances of your problem and come up with potential solutions.

    • Avoid problems in search of particular solutions. For example, stating that “app X does not have feature Y” is not an appropriate problem for your term project because it implies that “adding feature Y to app X” is the only soluton – we want you to be able to explore alternative potential solutions in a subsequent milestone, and avoiding this kind of problem helps you do that. If you have trouble articulating your problem, then please reach out to your instructor for advice.

  2. Make sure your group’s followup discussion is posted and up-to-date prior to the due date for this milestone. The instructor may ask your group to revise this basic proposal prior to that due date.


This assignment is pass/fail.