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Introduction to the Term Project


This semester, you will undertake a group project (up to 4 people per team) to:

  1. identify a theme-relevant, computing-related task / problem;

  2. evaluate the task / problem;

  3. develop interface design alternatives for the task / problem;

  4. implement a prototype of your design; and

  5. evaluate your design.

This is user-centered or interaction design! And the goal of this class is to provide practical and valuable experience with the tasks, research, and experimentation that interface designers do every day.


This semester, the term project theme is “educational technology” (EdTech) in “computing education” at institutes of higher learning.

The term “computing education” generally refers to the teaching and learning of any aspect of the use of computers and computational ideas, which means that your problem is not necessarily limited to situations computer science involving computer science students.

By design, this theme is a large yet fruitful area to explore.

All project proposals are subject to instructor approval. A critical aspect of selecting a problem is that it must impact some group of “real-life” people external to your group members – i.e., members of your group may be in included in the population of interest, but they should never be included in any study samples related to your group’s project research. These people are potential “clients” whom you must communicate with and learn from (in a structured way).


Duarte L. Sousa, Pedro Campos, and Sónia Matos. The Use of Interactive Technologies for Education in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Contexts: Design Implications. In CHItaly 2021: 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, CHItaly '21. New York, NY, USA, 2021. Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3464385.3464737.


Each milestone description will contain information about how that milestone will be graded. Milestone grades are not weighted equally; instead, they are weighted based on the values in Table 5.

Table 5 Term Project Milestone Weights


Category Weight

Milestone 0


Milestone 1


Milestone 2


Milestone 3


Milestone 4
